Get Involved

Help us make a difference in the lives of animals by becoming a foster or volunteering with us.


Thank you for your interest in offering our dogs a temporary home! Stumptown Strays does not have a shelter, so having a safe, warm place to stay is an integral part in our process. Many of our dogs may be recovering from surgery, may need medications, or may need a bit of time to feel safe. We are hoping to cultivate the most reliable and dedicated volunteers to help us get more dogs into their forever homes. For that reason, we are asking for serious applications only.

Foster homes will be provided with everything they need for the dog. This includes food, medication, bedding if needed, a crate, flea and heartworm treatment as well as a collar and ID tag.

We will take in to account your living situation, your current pets, and your comfort level before matching you with a foster dog.

Apply to be a foster by filling out the application below!


Aren’t in a position to foster or adopt, but have another skill set you’d like to offer? Great! We are a 100% volunteer-run organization, and we rely on people like you. We are always looking for transport help as well as photographers!

Send us an email to get started as a volunteer:

The foster application can be completed using the form below or opened in a new tab.
